Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Karis’ “Dora the Explorer” Birthday Party!

Everyone had a fabuloso time at Karis’ 2nd birthday party on Saturday!  The festivities included: coloring Dora pictures, eating food prepared by Dora’s friends, a backpack and map adventure to find Dora and all her friends (to bring them to Karis’ special party:), fishing in the backyard, cake!, and fantastico presents!!  Karis enjoyed every minute!

P8090042fxColoring with Papaw.


The big ADVENTURE!  Swiper tried to swipe our friends, but we knew how to stop him! 


Karis loved hearing everyone sing her favorite song!


She tried to eat only the frosting and the filling – yummy, but messy!


PRESENTS!  D-D-D-D-Dora was everywhere, and Karis loved it!  She also received some very girly things (tu-tu, bracelets, sunglasses, purses, ballet shoes, etc.) which she tried on immediately!  She loves anything “shiny.”  :)


Ryder tried to give himself as a present!  hahaha



That is one BEAUTIFUL bike!  And, that is exactly what you’re supposed to wear when you ride a bike.  Cambrie wanted to take a spin on it, too!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Our baby girl turns 2 today!

P8160071bw40fxDear Karis Nicole,                        Two years ago today we all met you for the very first time!  When you came into our world, you greeted us loudly and seemed to enjoy the excitement around you.  Everyone loved you from the moment they laid eyes on you, especially brother Ryder.  When he first saw you in your bassinet he said, “He’s cute!”  (We had to explain to him that you were a girl:)



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You are always on the search for adventure and fun.  Anything your brothers can do will be fine for you as well.  You drove their jeep when you were 16 months old, and you tried to rollerskate at 18 months.  Even though you try to be rough and tough like the boys, you are definitely a GIRL!  Make-up, jewelry, hats, and shoes are some of your favorite things.  A few weeks ago, Mommy took you to the grocery store and as soon as we got out of the van you asked, “Where’s my purse?” 

Miss Karis, you are such a little bundle of joy.  Jaden loves being your big brother, helping take care of you, and showing you new things.  Ryder loves watching Dora and Diego with you, playing games with you, and eating popsicles together.  Mommy loves singing and dancing with you, fixing your hair, and having tea parties.  Daddy loves your ‘welcome home kisses,’ tickle time, and having his “Booboo” help him get the mail.  We can’t wait to get to enjoy all the days to come that you will fill with wonder, fun, and love.

Happy Birthday to our precious little girl!!

We love you!!!

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer Vacation at Grandma & Grandpa Puckett’s House

Jaden and Ryder had a fun week at their grandparent’s house down in Tucson.  Grandma and Grandpa Puckett kept them busy!  The boys enjoyed the time with their grandparents.  (Karis sure missed her brothers, though!)  Their week began with a DBacks game vs. the Cubs in Phoenix. 

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July 23 2008 2fxEnjoying some breakfast on the patio.  Yum!  Grandma always makes fun and yummy food:)

July 23 2008 3fx

 July 23 2008 6fxThe boys LOVED their special outing to Chuck E. Cheese’s!