Thursday, February 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Ryder

Ryder Elijah
is our little baby boy.
He is cute, he is sweet
and we love his cheeks.
He's such a little joy!

Ryder Elijah
is as sweet as he can be.
He loves brother Jaden
and Karis,
and his mommy and daddy!

I will still be singing your song when you're 40, because you'll always be my baby boy:) I have enjoyed every day of these past four years getting to know every little thing about you. I will try to remember that you like your hair "brushed down," your socks rolled down, and your undies pushed down. You enjoy a good "squeezy" every once in a while. A perfect day for you involves riding bikes, jeeps, and/or buggies (or doing anything with your Daddy).

When anyone thinks your you, Ryder, your appetite definitely comes to mind. I am certain your favorite restaurant in the coming years will contain an 'all-you-can-eat' buffet! Your favorite thing for breakfast is bacon -- and lots of it. You've also been known to eat beans or chips for breakfast (anything unconventional). You like McDonalds cheeseburgers with pickles (and Jaden's pickles). Oh, I cannot forget strawberries. (Wonder who passed that craving down to you?) This past week you asked if I could go into that cold room at Costco and get some strawberries for you for your birthday:)

You can be our little quiet guy at times, but you are so affectionate. We love your hugs and kisses, and how you remember to give them to everyone you visit with.

It's fun to watch you and your "best brother" Jaden play and grow together. He's been looking out for you since the day you arrived. Even though he seems to get a big kick out of teasing, you are now big enough to hold your own! Jaden likes to take you to school to show to all his friends. He loves you lots:) As does your baby sister, Karis. She enjoys playing toys, coloring, and watching shows (especially 'My Friends, Tiger & Pooh') with you everyday. She yells for her "Yaya" when she's on the lookout for you.

Happy birthday, Ryder!
((Squeezy, squeezy))

Mommy & Daddy love you all the way to the moon:)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Welcome to the Puckett family's blog.

Hello all!

We're glad to have you check out our new blog. I (Shannon) have enjoyed reading a friend's blog over the past year, and decided to begin one for our family. It seems to be a fun way to keep friends and family updated on "Puckett news." (And, I'm hoping it can take the place of some of my scrapbooking!)

So, to begin our web site of memories, we'll start with our day out in the desert this past Sunday...

Mr. Ryder and Miss Karis out for a Sunday drive.

Jaden and Bradon take the first ride in the buggy.
Cambrie made sure the Jeep was ready for Karis to take for a spin.

OK. Who's turn next?

Missy and her favorite past time.

It was a perfect day to play outside. We roasted hot dogs for lunch, and couldn't have a campfire without s'mores! Missy treated us to a yummy spice cake. We played until the sun went down. Can't wait to for our next day out...